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Company Profile

Members of the Board of Directors

Mr. Huang Xiaolong, born in November 1977, Senior Economist, Master of Laws, is the Director and Secretary of the Board of the Company. Mr. Huang joined the predecessor of the Company in 1999 and became the Securities Affairs Representative of the Company in 2006. In 2008 and 2012, he took office as the Deputy-Director-Level Secretary of the Board Secretariat of the Company and the Deputy Director of the Board Secretariat successively. He served as the Director of the former Shandong Energy Equity Reform and Restructuring Office in 2013 and a Standing-Director of the Board Secretariat of Shandong Energy in August 2020. In July 2021 and August 2021, he became the Secretary of the Board of the Company and a Director of the Company successively. Mr. Huang graduated from the University of International Business and Economics.